Why Edible Cutlery will never sell until you do this The edible cutlery problem is three problems in one, and pricing is not one of them. The positioning problem, the consumer behavior problem and the nomenclature problem. In this article I discuss way to solve these problems and make the product a success.
“You don’t need a silver fork to eat good food” But I say, you don’t even need food now if all of you have is this fork. Breaking the norms…
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The Ansoff Matrix – identify your next growth strategy When you are seeking business growth, should you create new products or venture into a new market. Or, do both? The Ansoff Matrix helps you take that decision for your business growth
I was thrilled when one of my friends at my B-school shared my article about the Amazon Ace Case Study on his LinkedIn along with a really appreciative post. It…
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5 Key Insights for awesome Pricing Strategies
Have you bought anything lately? Maybe a trendy new mobile phone, a chic piece of clothing, some food or coffee perhaps? Chances are that you have because as consumers, we…
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How to Analyse Marketing Case Studies [FREE E-Book]
Let no man ever contemplate an act ill-conceived and ill-considered, ill-done without proper scrutiny. Inspect a matter with utmost care before reaching conclusions and rushing into actions; else, bitter remorse…
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How to Create a Marketing Plan: The Strategy
I shall continue this article from where I had left in Part 1 of this series on creating a Marketing Plan. In the previous piece, I talked about how any…
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How to Create a Marketing Plan: The Analysis
You are reading the Part 1 of my series of articles on creating a marketing plan. Any business project has to be divided into different stages. More importantly, there needs…
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