If you are an MBA student or an aspirant and looking for a course for MBA placements and best career outcomes , you are at the right place.
Let me first clarify some points.
In most cases, students who get into IIMs or other top B-schools like XLRI, FMS, IIFT end up dissatisfied with the outcomes they receive after MBA.
This is because it takes more than a degree, more than a course, definitely more than a certificate to make the best out of your MBA.
MBA students often stick to the placements at their B-schools and don’t look beyond it.
In this way, they miss out on an array of life-changing opportunities like Off-campus placements, freelancing opportunities, global consulting, digital entrepreneurship, etc.
So, if you are an MBA aspirant or an MBA student worried about your career after MBA, our course for MBA placements “Five Steps Ahead” would surely take you on the right path.
This placement preparation course doesn't just prepare you for the placements in the best possible way but it also takes you beyond placements and prepares you for the other life-changing opportunities mentioned earlier.
You must also have questions like the best certification courses for MBA students or what other courses can I do with MBA, or the best online courses for MBA to make your CV more attractive.
Don't worry. We’ve got you covered.
Course for MBA placements - Five Steps Ahead
If you feel that you can get the best career outcomes and your B-school’s placement will not do justice to you - then this course is for you. Or, even you have kickass placements happening at your B-schools but are interested in exploring the following options:
- Off-campus placements
- Freelancing and Global Consulting - the Freedom Lifestyle
- Digital Entrepreneurship
Then, I am talking to you.
Here’s the thing. I did my MBA from IIM Udaipur. And how my MBA started is not the same as how it ended.
Why do I say so?
I used to stammer severely, and in my B-school interviews, I used to scribble my answers on A-4 sheets instead of speaking them out.
Yet, against all these odds, I managed to transform from someone who was underconfident and worried about his placements because of his speech problem to someone who had his blog go viral among all MBA students and someone who had three job offers from outside the campus even before placements started at my college.
If you are also someone who has restricted yourself to placements alone, thereby missing out on a wealth of opportunities that go beyond placements, this course is for you.
Have you ever wondered what these opportunities other than placements are?
- You can get amazing job offers off-campus. Should you give up the chance to participate in a specific XYZ company because it isn't coming to your campus? Certainly not.
- You can also get freelancing projects from clients across the world. International leaders and organizations are eager to work with Indian graduates, especially from top B-schools like IIMs and XLRIs, though only if you give yourself a chance.
- Furthermore, you need a side hustle to complement your B-school journey. It should be something you are passionate about and which distinguishes you from other students.
Moreover, this side hustle helps you practice your skills more effectively.
This side business could replace your work with the proper understanding and execution, allowing you to build your brand while creating your journey.
Our course for MBA placements and best career outcomes covers it all.
The Five Steps Ahead is a course for MBA placements which walks you through five basic steps you should follow even if you don't enroll in the course.
An understanding of the basics
The application of the concept
Developing side skills
Implementing side skills and earning money
Making your brand out of it

To begin with, you should get the basics right about that particular concept. There must be some place to apply it, such as case studies or assignments. Afterward, you should learn side skills aligned with your mastery of interest and then use those skills in a freelance job, which is likely to earn you money. You should then build your brand out of those skills.
Who is this Course for MBA placements for?
- Business students who know from their B-school placements that they will not be able to achieve the career they want
- MBA students and aspirants who don’t want to leave their career to chance by focusing on only the unpredictable on-campus placements
- For MBA aspirants who want to stay ahead of the curve and want to make a great career in marketing by acquiring knowledge and skills early
- People who feel that they didn't gain the best value from their MBA and who are itching to grow in their careers looking for multiple opportunities
Learn >> Do >> Teach - The Universal Principle

Upon determining what skills you need to acquire for your specific job role, adopt the principle Learn>>Do>>Teach to acquire them faster and more effectively.
The first thing you want to do is learn the basics of the skill you are looking for.
You must apply those concepts to internships and freelancing assignments with your learning. This way, you will gain monetary incentives for the skill you learn.
Then you would be motivated to master the skill.
It's likely that you want to know how to find an internship or a job as a freelancer. Make use of the college brand.
Organizations and leaders worldwide appreciate working with Indian students, mainly from a top B-school.
Once you have mastered a skill and have implemented it, you should document your learnings on a blog.
What does our Course for MBA placements entail?
The course for MBA students is made up of eight complete courses . Essentially, you get to take eight courses at the same time.
What are these eight courses?

1. Five Steps Ahead - The start of the placement preparation course
In your first step, you complete Five Steps Ahead, a 3-day orientation that provides a good understanding of the points I briefly discussed above. This course is the highlight as it helps you build the right mindset and a feel about the whole course.

2. Skill Clarity Blueprint
With this course, you get clarity regarding the job role that fits you and the skills you need to succeed. You would no longer have to run after all the courses like others.
Here all your previous questions like which is the best online course for MBA students or what are the certification courses for MBA students, will get answered.
You, as an MBA student or an aspirant, always look for new skills to learn before your placements for your career. You take up online courses and certification and then give it your everything.
However, have you ever asked yourself whether the skill you pick is truly the skill that you should be learning? Or whether learning that skill will help you achieve the career outcomes that you desire?
The answer, in most cases, would be that you started to learn that skill only because your friends and peers were learning the same or because it’s a new skill in vogue and it’s fashionable to be learning that.
What ends up happening is that either you never end up completing that course, or even if you do end up completing it, you realize that you only binge-watched the course which means that you haven’t truly learned anything.
Skill Clarity Blueprint is the solution for this most fundamental problem in upskilling.

3. Marketing Experiments Lab Challenge
This is a major highlight, a game-changer. This is where you get to apply everything you've learned from this course and your MBA. You will be required to start your blog and put all your learnings into it as, indeed recently, blogging is the most effective way to build your identity.
Here’s the thing.
You could see yourself as an ‘MBA student’ or an ‘MBA aspirant’ or an ‘MBA Graduate’. But the fact is that the greatest opportunities that help you earn money and make a great career will come only if you prove yourself to be a ‘practitioner’ of marketing.
Therefore, stop calling yourself a marketing enthusiast and become a practitioner of marketing by starting your own Marketing Experiments Lab.

4. Marketing Concepts Mastery
With Marketing Concepts Mastery, you can learn the essential concepts and frameworks to strengthen your marketing career.
No career in Marketing doesn’t require you to understand marketing concepts thoroughly. As an MBA student and a future business leader, you need to understand marketing concepts thoroughly.
Marketing Concepts Mastery teaches you all of these essential marketing concepts, but in a way that is entirely different from what you would learn in your classroom or from your textbooks.

5. Case Analysis Blueprint
The Case Analysis Blueprint shows you how to analyze any marketing case study in just five slides.
As an MBA student, you come across marketing case studies almost every day. The purpose of a case study pedagogy is to provide a taste of real-life business situations.
You surely give your case studies a great deal of attention and time each evening before your classes the next day, given their importance in an MBA's life.

6. Digital Marketing Blueprint
Digital Marketing Blueprint gives you the first principles of Digital Marketing strategy that MBAs can’t miss out on.
If you are an MBA student interested in Marketing, you already know that Digital Marketing is something that you need to be good at.
There are many online courses for MBA students available for marketing, but the problem with them is that they are all hands-on. MBAs learn the skills in these courses, but they fail to understand them from a strategic perspective.
During this course, you will learn digital marketing specifically from a managerial perspective. Thus, next time an interviewer asks you about the reasoning behind the use of Facebook ads, you will be able to respond correctly and would not just give superficial ideas.

7. Marketing Analytics Blueprint
This is another hot topic among recently so many enroll for various online placement preparation course and fail to learn it effectively as those programs don’t teach it the right way.
This course will help you understand the three stages of marketing analytics. It will let you know how much you need to know about analytics. Moreover, you will understand analytics from a managerial perspective.

8. Networking Blueprint
During your MBA, networking is one of the most important activities you will perform. MBAs, however, find it challenging complicated in these courses
No worries, I will share his mantra of building a solid and long-term connection with a business leader in this course. He will discuss how he came to seek mentorship from CXOs of top companies.
Explore more about these eight courses in our placements preparation course , “ Five Steps Ahead”
Why should you enroll in the course without hesitation?
You get eight impactful courses for MBA students in this course for MBA placements.
This course will not only help in your placement preparation but show you the whole process to build your own brand and get the best outcomes after MBA.
Moreover, I will deliver this course for MBA placements, I have applied all of its principles and has achieved a position that MBAs strive for. As I will give you information about my struggles, ups, and downs, I will teach you how to create the best opportunities from your MBA.