Posts by Harsha Dugar

SWOT Analysis of Starbucks Starbucks is included in more than 20 rankings about innovation, valuable brands, best places to work, supply chain, corporate reputation, customer loyalty, and even the coolest brands on Earth. In other words, everyone loves Starbucks! In this article I have focussed on the SWOT Analysis of Starbucks.
In this blog, we have conducted SWOT analysis of multiple companies like Flipkart, Apple, TATA Motors. Today we are going to do the SWOT analysis of one of the most…
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SEO for Product Managers & MBAs [Simplified] What is SEO? And how do product managers utilize Search Engine Optimization? How it helps in increasing product's visibility?
A century ago, could you imagine getting any information you want with a single click? God bless Alan Emtage, the inventor of the first ever search engine! In this article,…
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Developing a Positioning Strategy for Brands The goal of the firms is to create a unique image in the minds of the customers so that they associate something specific with the brand, for this purpose, a firm whether big or small use positioning strategies to establish their brand.
If you need glue/gum, what do you ask for? Fevicol, isn’t it? The brand Fevicol is so well positioned in the minds of the consumers, that is used in place…
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Product Life Cycle of Maggi Product Life Cycle is an interesting marketing concept which tells us the length of time the product exists in the market, i.e., from its introduction to the it being taken off the shelf. In this article, let us read about the product life cycle of Maggi.
Maggi has been every Indians comfy food for more than 3 decades! Remember the late-night Maggi? “Pahaad-wali” Maggi? Or simply the snack-time comfy Maggi? Although, have you ever thought about…
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What is Content Marketing in Digital Marketing Content Marketing is the creation and distribution of digital marketing collateral with the goal of increasing brand awareness, improving SEO rankings and generating audience interest. In the article below, we will be discussing about the same in detail.
What retains and converts a customer? It is the content you build. This content should be valuable, relevant, and consistent to the defined audience, this marketing strategy is called content…
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