Posts by Darpan Saxena

5 Steps to Get Any Marketing Job That You Want

5 Steps to Get A Marketing Job That You Want – Episode #4 In this episode of the Five Steps Ahead podcast, get to know about the exact steps to get a marketing job. I share with you my experience of getting 3 off-campus job offers before my placements began and I share how you can do something similar for yourself.

I have often been asked by students that what are the exact steps to get a marketing job in your MBA. And it was then I realized that there needs…

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can introverts do well in mba image

Can I Become Successful After MBA If I Don’t Like Socializing? I have been asked this question often that can introverts do well in MBA? In fact, this was a question that even I had. I have been an introvert all through my MBA and somehow during my life, I have been able to figure out that how you can become successful after MBA even if you don't like socializing.

Can I become successful after MBA if I don’t like socializing? Can introverts do well in MBA? The upfront answer to this question is “Yes!”. This video is going to…

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Competition at your B-school

3 Secrets to Kill the Competition at Your B-School – Episode #3 The competition at your B-school can get to you. I understand the kind of stress you could be in thinking about how inadequate you are as compared to your peers. I felt the same back in my MBA. However, I do have these 3 secrets to tell you that you can easily get past this feeling of stress and competition by committing to these 3 secrets.

As an MBA student, you could be under of a lot of stress. Whether it is about your case competitions or the placements, somewhere at the back of your head,…

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How to Design Your Life After MBA

How to Design Your Life After MBA – Episode #2 What you need to know is that you can control your life after MBA. You can choose what job you do, what work you do and where do you work. And you can do all of this while you are in your MBA. In this episode, I share with you my story of designing my life after MBA and how can you do the same for yourself.

Here’s my 2nd episode from my Five Steps Ahead Podcast. Is it possible that you can design your life after MBA? Can you take control of what job you do,…

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Summer Internships in MBA

Stressing Over Summer Placements in MBA is Pointless! Summer placements in MBA are important. However, stressing over the placement process is an extremely wasteful exercise. And this is true irrespective of which B-school are you a part of. Let me share with you why do I think so and what instead is something you should focus on.

Summer Placements in MBA is probably the most important avenue for industry exposure and practical experience that you require during MBA. However, here’s the thing – stressing over and worrying…

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Five Steps Ahead Podcast Episode 1

What is Five Steps Ahead? – Episode #1 Welcome to the first episode of the Five Steps Ahead Podcast. This podcast is going to help you develop the right mindset for you to get the best career outcomes from MBA in the field of Marketing. Let me take you through what this podcast is all about.

Here’s my first episode from my Five Steps Ahead Podcast. Do subscribe to my Five Steps Ahead Podcast on Spotify to get all the latest episodes In this episode, I…

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How much percentile to score for top iims image

How Much Percentile to Score in CAT for Top IIMs? [The Mindset] This is going to be the only video you need to watch to know how much percentile to score in CAT for the top IIMs. And that's because in this video, I will be talking to you about the mindset that you need to have as an MBA Aspirant. Watch this and get your answers once and for all.

If you watch this video completely, then let me tell you this is going to be the last video you will need to see to find – is my profile…

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Basics of Marketing

Chapter 4 – What is Segmentation?

Segmentation is the first step that you need to take when you approach a marketing problem. Why is it the first step and what do we do in Segmentation? Let’s find out.

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Why Should MBAs learn Digital Skills

MBA Student? Please Learn Digital Skills! [Detailed Survey] If you are an MBA student, you cannot skip watching the results of this survey that I conducted. This will tell you that if you are an MBA student interested in Marketing then you need to learn Digital Skills i.e. Digital Marketing and Marketing Analytics. Watch the video to know why.

What if I tell you that your seniors and the ones that have already graduated from MBA want to really tell you that Digital Skills are extremely important for you…

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Needs Wants and Demands

What are Needs, Wants and Demands in Marketing Management? Generally people tend to use these three words - Needs, Wants and Demands - interchangeably. But not marketers. You, as a marketer, need to be aware of the big difference that there is between these three terms.

Needs, Wants and Demands are often used interchangeably. However, as a marketer and a future business leader – you should be aware of what are Needs, Wants and Demands. In…

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Basics of Marketing

Chapter 3 – Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning is the starting point of the entire marketing exercise that you will carry out. It is the first step for you as a marketer when you approach a marketing problem. Why do I say that? Let’s find out.

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Find target companies for MBA placements

Find Target Companies for MBA Placements in 30 Minutes [Back-Hacking Placement] Finding target companies for MBA placements is crucial because that has to be the starting point of your placement preparation. This detailed video will help you understand the process of back-hacking your placements and finding your target companies and skills.

How to find which companies to target for your MBA placements? Also, how to know what skills to learn for success in these MBA placements? Finding target companies for MBA…

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